Monday, September 19, 2011

John loans out his long underwear - much appreciated!

I have so many memories of John! John deep frying turkeys at Pre Thanksgiving Thanksgiving in Vantage. John telling his copious jokes. John always ready to help at a field trip.

My most vivid memory of John was at the 2004 Ice II field trip. It was raining pretty much non stop and John had been smart enough to pick up rain gear. It was very yellow. I remember him looking like the Gorton's Fisherman all weekend! That weekend I was soaked through to the skin, had no dry clothes, and was sitting in my sleeping bag in my underwear when John came to the tent door and asked if I was coming out for shared appetizers. I explained my predicament and a short time later there was John's voice at the tent door - "Susan, do you want some pork?" After handing me some bbq pork through the door, he went to his tent and retrieved his dry long underwear. I was SO grateful for his help and generosity! Eric had to force me to give John his dry long undies back the next day :) We have laughed about it many times.

Most recently I helped at Intermediate Rock II in Squamish and was happy to see John there too. We caught up a bit. John told me about his family and his pride in their success and accomplishments was apparent. My heart goes out to all of John's family for their loss.

John will be missed. By friends. By family. By me.

Susan Kennedy

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